Game Server Management

√We start by performing a security evaluation of your Game server to identify any vulnerabilities which could expose your server to malicious attacks.
√All service configuration files are examined to identify issues potentially causing performance degradation and security vulnerabilities.

√Our team hardens your Game server's Kernel, protecting it against several types of network attacks.
√Web Application Firewall Installation and configuration using our custom ruleset, which protects your applications from common attacks.
√Performance optimization of Nginx, Apache, MySQL, and other server applications to improve resource usage and performance.

√We add your Game servers to our monitoring center, which has over 15 alarm triggers, providing us with a constant flow of data from your server.
√Your Game server backups are added to our custom monitoring system, so we can ensure that your data is safe.
√We begin to monitor your Game server 24x7x365 and we are ready to respond to any incidents.