Server Administration
Simply put, server management is the maintenance and management of web server to keep it running in top condition. Today IT server management is not an option, it’s an essential requirement.
Poorly managed or unmanaged servers usually end up getting hacked, important data loss and downtime. It will result in business loss due to downtime, harm your reputation and it will also drag your existing customer away to your competitors, In short it’s going to make your life a living hell. While properly managed server will make your life easier and you can concentrate on managing your sales and marketing to grow your web hosting and other business.
Today lots of hosting companies provides VPS, cloud and dedicated servers but they don’t provide server management services and solutions. Hiring local dedicated 24×7 Server Management Staff to manage your servers will cost you both time and money. First of all you will have to train them about Windows and Linux Server management.
Also you will have to keep them updated with latest technology in managing servers. That’s why most of the companies outsource their server management tasks to a good server management company, as outsourcing provides excellent quality support at cheap prices.